Introduction to ESPM

 Electrical Standard Practices Manual (ESPM)


Introduction to ESPM:

The Electrical Standard Practices Manual (ESPM) gives descriptive data and procedures for the electrical installations on all aircraft of the AIRBUS family. The standard practices information in this manual tells you how to do maintenance for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. The ESPM is part of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA). The ESPM always gives the best practices to do the installations or the repairs. There are several chapter 20, depending on the vendor responsible for the system (ECE, Honeywell, etc.) but whatever the vendor, their chapter 20 follows the same layout. The data contained in the ESPM includes: 

- Description of electrical items.
- Removal/Installation of electrical items.
- Electrical checks. - Repair procedures.
- Damage assessment procedures.
- Other procedures as necessary (Cleaning, Inspection/Check, etc.). 

The Electrical Standard Practices data related to Power Plant is shown in the AMM 70-71-XX.

 Difference between Warning, Caution and Note in the ESPM:

- WARNING: Calls attention to use of materials, processes, methods, procedures or limits that you must obey precisely to prevent injury or death to persons.

 - CAUTION: Calls attention to methods and procedures that you must obey to prevent damage to equipment.

 - NOTE: Calls attention to methods which make the job easier or give supplementary or explanatory information.

Part Number (P/N) Construction 

You can get access to the ESP information with a P/N. The P/Ns listed in the ESP are made up of two parts: - A basic element which is the standard number/family. - A suffix which defines the item. For example


NSA936504 + TC0607  =  NSA936504TC0607

ASNE0261 + CF24        = E0261CF24  

For ASNE standards, the 3 letters "A, S, N" are omitted in the P/N. - For clarity, only the suffix (item) (for example E0617 for ASNE0617) is shown.

ESPM Structure  

The ESPM breakdown is based on a 6-digit numbering system.

- Each chapter (XX) is broken down into sections (XX-Y).
- Each section (XX-Y) is broken down into subsections (XX-YY).
- Each subsection (XX-YY) is broken down into subjects and sub-subjects (XX-YY-ZZ).


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